Spring Harvest!
Some ladies from the neighborhood helped us make kohlrabi fries
for after school kids yesterday. They were fascinated with this new
Per Florence 's suggestion we separated some of the baby succulents
and will give them as gifts to our tutoring volunteers. Kids painted
As we dug up out wildflowers to make way for summer garden, lo and
behold there where carrots and onions growing up amongst the flowers!
All my helpers yesterday went home with a carrot.
Thanks for your support in helping our garden grow!!
Los Angeles Green Grounds joined in the multicultural eco fest. LAGG had pot makers, seeds, banner, potting soil, and flyers.
Participants enjoyed African Americans, Latino and Japanese dances celebrating our ancestors.
Los Angeles August Gardening Tips
From Yvonne Savio's Gardning in LA blog...
You'll have a winter gold mine in your garden if you start seeds for overwintering crops this and next month. Yes, it's too hot to think about doing anything now but harvest and water and escape the heat, but think ahead to winter vegetable prices--and start sowing!
Earth Day 2016!
What a fun and feel-good productive 2016 Earth Day!
We started off the morning with the LA Conservation Corp cleaning up the Good Earth Community Garden. This included the adjacent side street in which we found all kinds of yucky things, and a discarded TV.
PAVA came in after lunch and added compost to the garden beds. Thank you to Sean who continued through, without wheelbarrows! He and the entire PAVA volunteers deserve a big hand for that!
Down the street at the Westside Neighborhood Park, the West Adams Neighborhood Council held their first Earth Day Fest. There were a lot of great organizations there providing great information. LA Green Grounds was present and shared information about Reducing, Reusing, and Recycling, presented the Good Earth Community Garden's David Jackson with his Victory Gardener certificate, and Summer and Francesca shared paper seedling pot making in LAGG's Teaching Garden.
If you have photos, please send them in to Summer Garden.
New LAGG Earth Day 2016 T-Shirts Available
LAGG at 15 Annual Black Caucus of the Community College Leadership
February 2016
LA Green Grounds was blessed to have an opportunity to be a part of Urban Soul Farmer's Gardening 101 and Holistic Health workshops held at the 15th Annual Black Caucus of the Community Colleges Leadership Conference in Bakersfield College. Participants walked away with herb and vegetable seed bombs, various edible seedlings, learned how to plant seeds using recycled materials, and we discussed starting your own Dig-in. The students were great. Thank you to all those involved for their vision and understanding the importance of growing your own food.
Bri Tothe-Jay
LAGG Celebrated MLK Day Working on Good Earth Community Garden
A Green Grounds celebrated Martin Luther King, Jr. Day by continuing our creation of the LAGG teaching garden at the Good Earth Community Garden.
We planted sugar peas, scarlet runner beans, along the cyclone fence, and sunflower seeds. Fava beans go in the orchard site to start providing nitrogen. We trimmed the plants along the fence, and we also turned that trashed parkway along Carmona, across from the garden, into a beautiful border of succulent plantings and more sunflowers.
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year - family, friends, Green Grounds supporters and diggers!
Our Dig in on Jan. 2, 2016, the ground clearing and breaking for LA Green Grounds Teaching Garden was a great way to start out the new year. We had a fantastic, enthusiastic team of folks out to transform this abandoned, hard packed, broken glass strewn dirt stretch outside of the Good Earth Community Garden, under DWP's towers. We knew the rain was coming, so everyone worked hard to clean up, break into the super hard surface, load the planting beds with compost, and then we covered every square inch with woody mulch. Can you imagine the rain being welcomed by the earth there, sheltered under mulch, and the microbes from Gordon's worm compost waking up to bring that soil back to life?
Congratulations and great thanks to Steven Meeks and Masha Calloway for doing such splendid work in setting this up, planning and organizing the day's event. They did such a fine job! Thanks to Melissa Murdick for her steady hand in getting people signed in, and then getting lunch. Thanks to Tim Easton and Jimmy Kochiyama for great work in creating the orchard site and berm. Thanks so much to the West Adams Neighborhood Council for their great support. We look forward to providing many benefits to this community. And to all of you who turned out to dig, move dirt, load up wheelbarrows, creating garden beds from a dirt empty lot - you are a magnificent crew - the Founding Crew of LA Green Grounds' Teaching Garden. We look forward to seeing you often, improving the garden bit by bit, and availing yourselves of the chance to learn more about gardening and growing food.
- Florence Nishida
LAGG Earth Day Celebration 2016 is April 23
Something to look forward to...
Earth Day 2016 is Friday, April 22. 112 days from today.
What are you planning to do?