Earth Day Fest Volunteers
Thank you for volunteering for the 2016 Earth Day Fest Children's Activity Area.
Creative Volunteers Needed to make this the most enchanted Earth Day Fest, EVER!
LAGG needs the following awesomeness:
Arts and crafts:
Several volunteer artists/crafty persons needed to assist kids with creating wearable art, crafts and instruments from recyclable materials and materials found in nature. (Optional) Artist are encouraged to collect and bring recyclable and natural materials for these crafts. Do not spend any money. Repurpose and upcycle what you already have from home, friends, and nature. You’ll receive a list of suggested materials and great craft ideas. Some materials and basic art supplies will be on hand (glue, paint, glitter, paper, scissors, tools, twine).
Children’s Face Painting Artists:
Several face painting artists needed to provide creative Earth Day themed designs for body art) face, arms, knees and even those cute little fingers). Sample ideas will be provided. Basic Face painting supplies will be on hand.
Ambassadors of Fun:
To keep the fun running smoothly several creative, happy, hippie, tree-hugging, nature loving, flower-power, kid-friendly volunteers needed to assist with basic operations of children’s activity area. Keep kids waiting in activity lines engaged and entertained with Earth Day tips, riddles, jokes, magic tricks, etc. Help keep craft supplies organized. Help families take pictures with characters. Keep the excitement going and grab a hand-made flag, sign or instrument and participate in the children’s parade and dance celebration. Whatever you do, have a ball doing it! Optional- wear Earth Day themed attire.
Yami Gupta