About Los Angeles Green Grounds
LA Green Grounds is a grassroots organization of volunteers dedicated to enabling residents of South Los Angeles to create their own edible gardens.
While originally focused on converting front lawns and parkways into edible landscapes and urban farms, currently LA Green Grounds is primarily using our South Los Angeles Teaching Garden to educate and share with the community organic gardening practices, ways to prepare food from the garden, and other benefits of gardening and nature.
LAGG TEACHING GARDENLA Green Ground's Teaching Garden is located at the east end of the Good Earth Community Garden in south Los Angeles at the corner of Boden Street and Carmona Avenue. Check our calendar page for upcoming classes scheduled in the garden and related events.One of the ways you can support the LAGG's education mission is to volunteer for Tuesdays or Saturday 10am - noon to help maintain the Teaching Garden with watering, weeding, and harvesting.DIG-INSResidents host a garden "Dig-in" when this work happens. Inviting family, friends, neighbors, and volunteers to participate, creates a sense of community. Everyone learns how to convert lawns into edible landscapes that encourage and inspire neighborhoods to" grow their own".We work closely with our garden recipients to guide them through each growing season and provide ongoing support through teaching sustainable practices and offering wellness activities.We like to think of LA Green Grounds as a way of life. Our mission is to empower South LA's communities and beyond, one garden at a time.Started in 2010 by Florence Nishida, Vanessa Vobis, and Ron Finley who has since moved on to his own pursuits.As of the start of 2023, 37 edible gardens have been installed.WATCH A DIG-IN IN 4 MINUTES!Video Credit: Elon Schoenholz
Telephone Number: 213-373-1913Email: [email protected]
Please note: LA Green Grounds run on Volunteer power, so we try to as responsive as possible; please be patient. Want to help? We have volunteer opportunities. Please sign up to be a volunteer here.
Support A worthy Cause
L.A. Green Grounds is a grassroots organization of community volunteers dedicated to working with residents of south Los Angeles, Ca. With your support we're able to transform lawns and parkways into California native and edible landscapes. To date, LAGG has installed over 20 edible gardens. Good for the people! Good for the community! Good for the environment!
Many of our supporters who are unable to physically participate in our garden projects, show their support in other creative ways. Help sustain this "growing" movement. Monetary support are appreciated and are tax deductible.
LAGG is a 501 (c) 3 under fiscal sponsor, Los Angeles Community Garden Council www.lagardencouncil.org.
Many thanks for your financial support!
Green Grounds