Khymn O’Malley


Khymn O’Malley's activity stream

  • donated 2025-01-25 07:48:40 -0800

    Support A worthy Cause

    L.A. Green Grounds is a grassroots organization of community volunteers dedicated to working with residents of south Los Angeles, Ca.   With your support we're able to transform lawns and parkways into California native and edible landscapes.  To date, LAGG has installed over 20 edible gardens.  Good for the people! Good for the community!  Good for the environment!  

    Many of our supporters who are unable to physically participate in our garden projects, show their support in other creative ways. Help sustain this "growing" movement.   Monetary support are appreciated and are tax deductible. 

    LAGG is a 501 (c) 3 under fiscal sponsor, Los Angeles Community Garden Council   

    Many thanks for your financial support!



  • donated 2020-02-26 20:28:41 -0800